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Baby Hiccups in the womb, Normal or Dangerous Sign

Mother who is pregnant, have you ever felt a small jolt in the stomach? This jolt feels smoother than a fist or kick, but is felt many times with a certain pause. The possibility of jerks is a sign that your child is hiccuping you know. Right, Mother, babies in the womb can also experience hiccups. Actually the baby has hiccups starting at 9 weeks gestation, along with starting to suck and swallow. But, Mother is usually just beginning to feel the hiccups in the womb around the age of 6 months of pregnancy.

A Sign of a Healthy Baby

Hiccups can be recognized when Mother feels rhythmic movements from one part of the stomach. Many pregnant women do not feel their babies hiccup, while other pregnant women feel hiccups several times a day. The cause of hiccups in infants in the womb is not known with certainty, but it is thought this is one of the processes of lung maturation. To be sure, hiccups are generally a sign that the baby's development in the womb is good, really, Bun. The baby's ability to hiccup, inhale, and release fluids is a sign that the diaphragm is developing. Hiccups are a sign of the movement of the baby's diaphragm when it begins to learn to breathe. When the baby learns to breathe, amniotic fluid entering the lungs causes the diaphragm to expand so the baby starts to hiccup. In addition, baby hiccups in the womb can also be a sign that the spine and brain have worked and are connected. This means that the baby's nerves develop well and later can live outside the uterus. It can also mean the baby's reflexes are well developed, including reflexes for sucking and yawning.

Recognize the signs of abnormal hiccups

Hiccups will usually subside after the fetus reaches 32 weeks of age. But Mother needs to see a pregnancy to the doctor, if after this age your little one keeps hiccuping several times a day, and each time the hiccups last for at least 15 minutes. There are also those who say that baby hiccups more than 4 times a day after 28 weeks of pregnancy, need to be seen by a doctor. Also if the hiccup feels tighter or the duration is longer. Hiccups that occur in late pregnancy, can be a sign of interference with the umbilical cord, among others, the flow of oxygen and blood to the fetus is slowed or stopped. This disorder can be:
  • The buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood of the baby in the womb.
  • Changes in baby's blood pressure in the womb.
  • Changes in baby's heart rate in the womb.
  • Brain damage.
  • Miscarriage.
When you feel your little one in the hiccup content, you can enjoy the moment. However, if a baby's hiccup in the womb is felt to be disturbing, for example when you are in a meeting or sleeping, you might try to change the position of sitting or sleeping, walking, and drinking water until the hiccups stop. Hiccups of the baby in the womb that Mother feels, is a normal condition and does not require special measures to handle it. It's just that, if hiccups occur excessively or protracted, it's good Mother to check the condition to the doctor.
